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  • Is it a cloud customer - you need isolated app servers for that! You need to add addon-lime-automation to the customer solution or create a customer solution if it does not already exist.
  • Is it a on-prem customer with lime-server version >= 2020.2.371(2.76.0) - yay! You need to add addon-lime-automation to the customer solution or create a customer solution if it does not already exist.

The customer solution must be poetry based - have a look in the platform docs on how to handle solutions and adding dependencies in the customer solution for addon-lime-automation.

Since addon-lime-automation (Automated Flows) is based on custom endpoints Lime Marketing needs external access to their web client. If the customer is on-prem make sure the web client is accessible via IP or a hostname from outside their hosting environment. Addon-lime-automation also communicates with the Lime Marketing API so also make sure the Lime Server event handler has access to Lime Marketing Cloud environment over https. (You should be able to open a browser and go to the Lime Marketing app on the Lime Server)

This requires changes from their IT department. More info here.

If you need to upgrade addon-lime-automation to the latest version because of some bugfix needed just specify the version in the customer solution and reinstall the solution.

Make sure you have a Lime Marketing app.

Before you proceed

  • Is addon-lime-automation installed on the server?
  • Can we access the web client externally?
  • Can the event handler access Lime Marketing cloud environment?
  • Do you have a Lime Marketing app for the customer?
  • Is the automated flow module activated in the Lime Marketing app?